NU 421 :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing






NU 420


This course discuss the basic concepts, principles and theories of human behavior and nursing care of individuals, population group experiencing alterations in perception and coordination in varied settings.

It also emphases the role of the nurse in the curative and rehabilitative nursing care management and in client with Integumentary disorders.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

1. Discuss briefly the anatomy and physiology then label the parts of the integumentary system, eye ears, nose and throat, musculoskeletal and nervous system.

2. Identify the different disorders of the MSN 4 concepts, its signs and symptoms.

3. Including its management and treatment.

4. Discriminate between the normal and the abnormal assessment findings.

5. Identify different diagnostic tests used to evaluate and diagnose the mentioned body systems or concepts of the subject or course.

Scientific and professional skills:

1- Create nursing care plan related to the disorder/disease discussed in the course particularly considering ethics involved in the care of clients.

2- Demonstrate correct procedures in dealing with clients with the specified disorders.

3- Apply principles of nursing process in the care and management of clients.

4- Perform different nursing procedures needed by the patient with disorders discussed in the course.

General skills

1- Modifies if needed the treatment and management on the disorders of the discussed concepts of the course through the collaboration of the client, family and community

2- Accept professional responsibility in the care of the clients with disorders of the body systems discussed in the course content.

3- Develop the ability to interview an individual who have integumentary, ENT, musculoskeletal and nervous system problems at the same time increase the patients’ ability to cope or deal with the disorder

4- Collaborate with other members of the health care team.

Participate actively in the plan of care with the other members of the health care team.

Teaching and learning methods

· Lecture /discussion .

· Group Dynamics

· Participative Discussion (Recitation)

· Laboratory Exercises

· Video Presentations

· Demonstrations-Return demonstrations

Methods of assessments

• Midterm exam 30%.

• Practical Exam 12%

• Final exam 50%.

• Assignments/HWs/Quizzes 8%

Course Outline


· Anatomy and Physiology of the skin and its appendages

· Overview of the Integumentary system disorders

1. Seborrheic dermatoses

2. Non-infectious inflammatory dermatoses

3. Acne vulgaris

4. Bacterial infections: herpes zoster

5. Parasitic skin diseases

6. Skin cancer

· description, etiology and incidence, clinical manifestations, laboratory and diagnostic findings, pathophysiology, nursing diagnosis, management and treatment as to medical surgical and nursing. Nursing Skill: Assessment of skin disorders: primary lesions and secondary lesions


· Description, etiology and incidence, different types clinical manifestations and estimating the extent of injury utilizing the rule of nine, laboratory and diagnostic findings, pathophysiology, nursing diagnosis, management and treatment as to medical surgical and nursing. Nursing Skill: Burn care and Wound Debridement.

THE EYES, EARS, NOSE AND THROAT (nose and throat are not discussed as all of these are under the Respiratory system disorders’ discussion)

A. The Disorders of the eyes

· Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the eyes

· Common Eye disorders

1. Cataract

2. Glaucoma

3. Retinal detachment

4. Enucleation, exenteration and evisceration

5. Corneal transplant

6. Common eye injuries and infections

6.1 Hyphema

6.2 Contusion

6.3 Penetrating objects

6.4 Chemical burns

6.5 Blepharitis

6.6 Conjunctivitis

6.7 Keratitis

· Description, causes, signs and symptoms, medical-surgical (pre and post- operative) and nursing management

7.Organ donation

· Care of the donor’s eyes, criteria for potential donors, preoperative and post operative care of the recipient of donation. Nursing Skill:

1. Laboratory and diagnostic tests for the eyes

2. Instilling eye drops, eye ointment, performing eye irrigation and

3. Application of eye pad and eye shield.

The ears

· Review of the anatomy and physiology

· Mechanism of hearing

· Common ear disorders

1. Otitis media

2. Mastoiditis

3. Menieres syndrome

4. Otosclerosis

5. Acoustic neuroma Nursing Skills: demonstration and return demonstration

1. Assessment of the ears

2. Laboratory and diagnostic tests for the ears

3. Ear drop instillation

4. Removing of foreign bodies inside the ears

5. Ear irrigation


· Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the MSS

1. Skeletal system

2. Articular system

3. Skeletal muscle system

· Nursing Assessment of the MSS disorders

· Risk factors of MSS disorders

· Common Skeletal Trauma

1. Ligaments and Tendons

2. Contusions, Sprains and Strains

3. Subluxation

4. Dislocation

· Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, medical, surgical and nursing management Nursing Skills:

1. Physical Assessment and Health

history taking

1.1 pain

1.2 altered sensation

1.3 posture

1.4 gait

1.5 joint function

1.6 muscle strength and size

1.7 skin

2. Diagnostics and Laboratory nursing care and management

2.1 X-ray

2.2 CT scan

2.3 Bone scan

2.4 Arthroscopy

2.5 Arthrocentesis

2.6 Biopsy

2.7 Electromyography

3. Fractures

· Types of Fractures: complete or incomplete

· Etiology/causes, clinical manifestations, medical-surgical and nursing care and management

· Complications of Fractures

1. Hemorrhage

2. Shock

3. Avascular necrosis

4. Fat Embolism

5. Osteomyelitis

6. Compartment syndrome

7. Gas gangrene

· Medical and surgical management of Fractures

1. Close reduction

2. Open Reduction Internal Fixation and Open Reduction External Fixation

3. Cast

3.1 Types of Cast

3.2 Nursing care and management

3.3 Complications of Cast

4. Tractions

· Types of Traction

4.1 Skin Traction

· Buck’s Traction

· Russels’s Traction

· Bryant’s Traction

· Cervical Traction

· Pelvic Traction

· Skeletal Traction

· Balance suspension Traction

· External Fixator Nursing Skills: demonstration and graded return demonstration

1. First Aid measures for Fracture

2. Perform procedures and state the rationale when applying a Cast

3. Crutch walking gaits

3.1 Four-point gait

3.2 Three-point gait

3.3 Two-point gait

3.4 Swing –to crutch walking

3.5 Swing-through crutch walking

4. Isometric exercises

4.1 Quadriceps setting exercise

4.2 Gluteal setting exercise

· Hip Fracture

1. Types of hip fractures

2. Clinical manifestations

3. Surgical Interventions for Hip Fracture

3.1 Total hip replacement

3.2 Total Knee Replacement

3.3 Indication

3.4 Preoperative and postoperative care and management

3.5 Complications

3.6 Treatment

· Amputation

1. Types of amputation

2. Levels of Amputation

3. Complications, impending signs following amputation

4. Pre-operative and postoperative care and management

· Congenital Hip Dysplasia

1. Signs and symptoms

2. Pathophysiology

3. Diagnostic tests

4. Treatment and management as to medical surgical and nursing

· Common deformities of the Spine

1. Kyphosis

2. Lordosis

3. Scoliosis

· Signs and symptoms, treatment and management: medical, surgical and nursing Nursing Skills: Demonstration and return demonstration

1. Application of abduction splint after THR

2. Range of motion exercises for TKR

3. Application of Bandage for AKA, BKA and above elbow amputation

4. Health teachings on Congenital Hip Dysplasia and common deformities of the Spine

Disorders of the Bone

1. Metabolic: Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia and Pagets’ disease

2. Infectious

3. Bone Tumors

· Etiology, signs and symptoms, predisposition, diagnostic tests, Surgical and non-surgical treatment and management

· Disorders of the Joints 1. Inflammatory: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout/Gouty Arthritis 2. Non-inflammatory: Osteoarthritis

· Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, surgical and nonsurgical treatment and management

· Herniated Nucleus Polposus: etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, surgical and nonsurgical management Nursing Skill: Demonstration and return demonstration: 1. Patient positioning/logrolling postlaminectomy 2. Return demonstration of the unfinished nursing skills of the concept


· Review of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System

· Neurons

· Three major divisions of the NS

1. Central Nervous system: brain and spinal cord

2. Peripheral Nervous System: cranial nerves and the spinal nerves

3. Autonomic nervous system: sensory motor, parasympathetic and sympathetic Nursing Skills: Demonstration and return demonstration: 1. Assessment of the 12 pairs of Cranial Nerves and 2. assessment of the 31 pairs of Spinal nerves

· Components of Neurological Assessment

1. Health history

2. Clinical manifestations

3. Diagnostic Tests

3.1 Series of X-rays

3.2 CAT scan

3.3 MRI

3.4 Cerebral angiography

3.5 Caloric testing

3.6 Brain scan

3.7 EEG

3.8 Tensilon test

3.9 Carotid Doppler sonography

3.10 Positron emission tomography

3.11 Electromyography

3.12 Lumbar puncture

3.13 Myelography

· Different Neurologic Disorders

1. Neurologic/Brain disorders

1.1 Altered level of consciousness,

1.2 increase ICP,

1.3 seizure,

1.4 headache

2. Cerebrovascular Disorders

2.1 Ischemic Stroke and

2.2 Hemorrhagic stroke (CVA)

· Etiology/causes

· Clinical Manifestations

· Medical, surgical and nursing care management Nursing Skills:

1. Neurological assessment: Mental status, sensory function, motor function, cerebellar function, reflex testing and cranial nerve testing 6

3. Neurologic Trauma/Head and spine injuries

3.1 Brain damage/brain injuries

3.2 Head injuries

3.3 Spinal cord injuries

3.4 Hematoma, contusion, concussion

4. Neurologic infection

4.1 Meningitis

4.2 Brain Abscess

4.3 Encephalitis,

4.4 Creutsfeldt-jakob’s disease

5. Autoimmune disorders/degenerative

5.1 Multiple Sclerosis,

5.2 Myasthenia Gravis, and

5.3 Guillain-Barre’ syndrome

· Etiology/causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, surgical and non-surgical management Nursing Skills: 1. Assessment of cranial and peripheral nerve disorders (continuation ….)

6. Degenerative Disorders

6.1 Alzheimers disease,

6.2 Parkinsons’ disease,

6.3 Amyotropic sclerosis

6.4 Huntington’s disease

7. Oncologic Disorder

7.1 Brain tumor

8. Cranial nerve disorders

8.1 Trigeminal neuralgia,

8.2 Bell’s palsy

9. Peripheral nerve disorder

9.1 Peripheral neuropathies

· Etiology/causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, surgical, medical and nursing care and management Nursing Skills: 1. Nursing care plan for patients with specific nervous system disease/disorder