NU324-ICU :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing








This course is a continuation of the pervious course NU 321. It discusses the fundamental concepts of critical care nursing and tools used by the critical care nurse. It includes hemodynamic monitoring, ventilator assistance, code management and introduction to anesthesia.

Intended learning outcomes


At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the fundamental concepts of critical care nursing with regards to basic hemodynamic monitoring, ventilator assistance, code management and introductory concepts in anesthesia.
  2. Apply assessment techniques properly and other technical skills basic in the care of critically ill patients.
  3. Apply the principles of the nursing process such as assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation in the care of critically ill patients.


At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe different hemodynamic tools used in the care of critically ill patients e.g., central venous catheter, arterial catheter, pulmonary artery catheter
  2. Explain hemodynamic principles, airway management and mechanical ventilation
  3. Discuss nursing roles in relation to patient monitoring of hemodynamic status, airway management, mechanical ventilation and code management
  4. Describe different types of anesthesia
  5. Explain different actions of anesthetics and its administration
  6. Describe the phases of anesthesia
  7. Identify nursing responsibilities before and after induction of anesthesia
  8. Discuss pre-anesthesia assessment role and functions of the nurse before, during and after induction of anesthesia
  9. Demonstrate respiratory assessment skills, assisting in endotracheal intubation
  10. Identify indications for mechanical ventilation
  11. Describe types and modes of mechanical ventilation
  12. Formulate plan of care for the mechanically ventilated patient
  13. Discuss roles and responsibilities of members of the code team
  14. Differentiate basic and advanced life support measures used during a code
  15. Identify medications used in code management including use actions, side effects and nursing implications
  16. Discuss care of patient after resuscitation

Teaching and learning methods

a. Lectures

b. Assignments and Research

c. Recitation and Reporting

d. Demonstration and return demonstration

e. Quizzes and Major examinations

Methods of assessments

· Midterm exam 30%.

· Practical Exam 12%

· Final exam 50%.

· Homework and reports 8%.

Course Outline

Hemodynamic monitoring

a. Review of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system

b. Noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring

1. Vital signs

2. Physical assessment – heart sounds, capillary refill, PMI, pulse oximeter

c. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring

1. Arterial catheter

2. Central venous pressure

3. Pulmonary artery catheter

4. Nursing responsibilities

Ventilatory Assistance

a. Review of anatomy and physiology

b. Use of oxygen devices

c. Airway management

d. Suctioning

e. Manual and Mechanical ventilation

1. Types

2. Indications

3. Ventilator set up

4. Weaning methods

Code management

a. Role of caregivers in code management

b. Equipment used in codes

c. Basic life support

d. Resuscitation efforts

e. Pharmacological interventions

f. Defibrillation

g. Intubation and extubation

h. Documentation of code events

i. Care of patient after resuscitation

I. Introduction to anesthesia

a. Definition of anesthesia

b. Responsibilities of anesthesiologist and nurse

c. Client preparation undergoing anesthesia

d. Types of anesthesia

e. Phases of anesthesia

f. Post anesthesia care unit