NU324-MN :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing








This course focuses on the introduction to Midwifery and Neonatology and the legal aspects related to the course. The course also focuses on high- risk pregnant woman with pre- existing or newly acquired illness. It utilizes the nursing process to integrate knowledge of high- risk pregnancy to achieve quality maternal and child health nursing.

Intended learning outcomes

Intended learning outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Define Midwifery

2. Identify the role and function of a Midwife

3. Describe high- risk pregnancy including factors that contributes to its development.

4. Describe illnesses such as STD, hematologic disorders, renal/ urinary disorders, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, neurologic disorders, endocrine disorders and other disorders that can result in complications when they exist with pregnancy.

5. Assess the woman with an illness during pregnancy

6. Formulate nursing diagnosis related to the effect of pre- existing or newly acquired illness on pregnancy.

7. Identify expected outcome that contribute to a safe pregnancy outcome when illness occur.

8. Plan nursing care for a woman with an illness during pregnancy.

9. Implement nursing care for a woman when illness complicates pregnancy.

10. Evaluate outcomes to determine achievement and effectiveness of care.

Teaching and learning methods


2.Group Dynamics

3. Participative Discussion (Recitation)

4.Laboratory Exercises

5.Video Presentations

6.Demonstrations-Return demonstrations

Methods of assessments

Midterm exam 30%.

Practical Exam 12%

Final exam 50%.

Homework and reports 8%


I. Definition of Midwife

1. Code of Ethics

2. Roles and functions of a Midwife during:

2.1 Ante partum

2.2 Intra partum

2.3 Post partum

3. Legal aspects of a midwife

II. High- Risk Pregnancy

1. Sexually Transmiited Diseases (STD) and Pregnancy

1.1 Candidiasis

1.2 Trichomoniasis

1.3 Bacterial Vaginosis

1.4 Chlamydia

1.5 Syphilis

1.6 Herpes Simples Virus (Type 2 Infection)

1.7 Gonorrhea

1.8 Human Papillomavirus Infection

1.9 Group B Streptococcal Infection

1.10 Hepatitis B and C

1.11 HIV Infection

2. Renal and Urinary Disorders and Pregnancy

2.1 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

2.2 Chronic Renal Disorders

3. Respiratory Disorders and Pregnancy

3.1 Acute Nasopharyngitis

3.2 Influenza

3.3 Pneumonia

3.4 Asthma

3.5 Tuberculosis

4. Rheumatic Disorders and Pregnancy

4.1 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

5. Gastrointestinal Disorders and Pregnancy

5.1 Appendicitis

5.2 Gastroesophageal Reflux

5.3 Cholecystitis/ Cholelithiasis

5.4 Inflammatory Bowel Disease

6. Neurologic Disorder And Pregnancy

6.1 Seizure Disorder

7. Musculo- skeletal Disorder And Pregnancy

7.1 Scoliosis

8. Cardiovascular Disorders and Pregnancy

8.1 Left- sided Heart Failure

8.2 Right- sided Heart Failure

8.3 Peripartal Heart Disease

8.4 Fetal assessment

8.5 NCP on pregnant woman with heart diseases

8.6 Nursing interventions during labor and birth

8.7 Postpartal Nursing Interventions

8.8 Artificial Valve Prosthesis

8.9 Chronic Hypertensive Vascular Disease

8.10 Thromboembolitic disease

9. Endocrine Disorders and Pregnancy

9.1 Hypothyroidism

9.2 Hyperthyroidism

9.3 Diabetes Mellitus

10. Cancer and Pregnancy

10.1 Cervical

10.2 Breast

10.3 Ovarian

10.4 Uterus

11. Mental Illness and Pregnancy

12. Trauma and Pregnancy

12.1 Open wound (Lacerations: puncture wounds)

12.2 Blunt Abdominal Trauma

12.3 Gunshot Wound

12.4 Poisoning

12.5 Choking

12.6 Orthopedic Injuries

12.7 Burns

12.8 Postmortem Cesarean Birth

12.9 Physical Abuse

Nursing Skills:

  1. Pelvic Examination
  2. Pap Smear
  3. Perineal care
  4. Obtaining Clean-catch Urine Specimen
  5. Foley Catheter Insertion
  6. Hemogluco test
  7. Fundic Height Measurement
  8. Leopold’s Maneuver
  9. Breast Self Examination (BSL)