NU423-ICU :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing








This course deals with the discussion and analysis of the pathophysiology of the life-threatening injuries and disorders of human, and the provision of comprehensive care. It also deals with commonly used drugs, current research with accompanying analysis in critical care nursing. Included are further discussions on shock and sepsis, cardiovascular alterations, neurological alterations, respiratory failure and renal failure.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

1. Discuss different kinds of illnesses related to Shock, Cardiovascular, Neurologic and Respiratory alterations.

2. Analyze clinical manifestations of those diseases mentioned.

3. Explain the roles of the nurse during the different diseases given.

Mental skills:

1. Utilize the nursing process in handling patients.

2. Perform through nursing assessment.

3. Develop appropriate plan of care in caring for patients I Shock, Renal, Cardiovascular, Neurologic and Respiratory alterations.

4. Illustrate the pathophysiology of diseases.

5. Describe specific nursing interventions applicable to those diseases.

Scientific and professional skills:

1. Perform appropriate nursing procedures in the care of patients.

2. Demonstrate related learning skills with confidence.

3. Identify some complications related to caring for patients with those conditions.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Relate the goals of studying Anatomy to the Nursing profession

2.Perform the different activities and experiments with confidence and correct skills

3.Perform experiments with a professional approach.

General skills:

1. Act on client status on time.

2. Show cooperation at all times.

3. Identify different nursing interventions appropriately.

4. Show sincerity in working with other members of the health team.

5. Respond to clinical situations professionally.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Lecture-discussion

2. Group Dynamics

3. Participative Discussion (Recitation)

4. Laboratory Exercises

5. Video Presentations

6. Demonstrations-Return demonstrations

Methods of assessments

Midterm exam 30%.

Practical Exam 12%

Final exam 50%.

Homework and reports 8%.

Course Outline

Advance Basic life Support

Review of Basic Life Support

Definition of Advance Cardiac Life support (ACLS)

Shockable Rhythms

Non shockable rhythms

Algorithm for Adult Cardiac arrest

Treatable causes of Cardiac arrest

Nursing skills:

Identify Basic life support and Advance Cardiac life support


Procedures on the use of Defibrillator

Airways and ventilation

opening airways

breathing devices


Routes for administration

Drugs commonly used

Post Cardiac arrest care

Post Cardiac Documentation

Acute Renal failure

Review of Anatomy and physiology

Acute tubular necrosis

Geriatric assessment in the management of Acute Renal Failure

Nursing skills:

Renal assessment Hemodialysis

Chronic Renal failure


Chronic Pre renal

Chronic intrinsic

Chronic post renal

Assessment of Chronic Renal failure

Chronic Renal Failure stages

Dietary Life style

Nursing skills:

Peritoneal dialysis

Shock and Sepsis


Main types of Shock

General symptoms of Shock

Causes of Shock

Diagnosis of Shock

Stages of Shock

Treatment of Shock

First Aid Management of Shock

Nursing Skill:

Demonstration- Return Demonstration of management of patient in Shock

Respiratory alterations


Review of the Anatomy and physiology of the Respiratory tract

Common signs and symptoms of Respiratory alterations

Risk factor

Ways to keep the Lungs healthy

Three primary alterations in respiratory function

Oxygen delivery system

Mechanical ventilation

Positive- end respiratory pressure

Management and treatment

Nursing skills:

Compare the use of oxygen, Mechanical ventilation and positive end respiratory pressure

Neurological alterations

Review of Anatomy and physiology

Functional and structural division of the Nervous system

Nursing skills:

Assessment of the 12 Cranial nerves

Functions of the 12 Cranial nerves- names and number

Cranial nerves testing

Nursing skills:

Demonstration- Return Demonstration of selected Cranial nerves tests e.g Olfactory, Optic,Facial acoustic

Neurological assessment

Functions of the 12 Cranial nerves

Neurological screening assessment

Level of Consciousness based on Glasgow Coma scale

Nursing skills:

Review of the Glasgow Coma scale

Neurological alterations

Definition of Neurological alterations

Signs and symptoms

How to test Neurological alterations

Members of the Rehabilitation Team

Neurological alteration management and treatment

Nursing skills:

Assessment of neurological alterations, management and treatment