NU423-MN :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing








This course builds on the previous knowledge gained in Maternal and Child Nursing 2. Specifically, it tackles various complications affecting newborns and their families. Health problems, health threats related to high risk newborn will be discussed. Advanced concepts and roles of a nurse specialist pertaining to holistic care of high risk newborn and its therapeutic management will be discussed using the nursing process as a tool to nursing care.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

  1. Discuss the various complications affecting normal and high-risk newborns and its therapeutic management using the nursing process.
  2. Differentiate the characteristics of a normal and high-risk newborn as well as those with abnormal deviations from a normal newborn.
  3. Enumerate the techniques in the assessment of the newborn in terms of normal growth and development to classify them as normal, deviated from normal and high-risk newborns.
  4. Describe common illnesses of the normal and high-risk newborns including the identification of their nursing problems and risk, as well as complications of their condition for proper planning and implementation of medical, surgical and nursing care and management.

Mental skills:

1. Describe a newborn and classify a newborn as to preterm, term and post-term as well as normal, with deviations from normal and high-risk.

2. Explain the importance of newborn assessment and screening as well as diagnostic tests related to the care and management of normal, deviated from normal and high-risk newborns.

3. Enumerate the health problems, health threats and health risks of the newborn needed for the implementation of appropriate management.

4. Expound the causes, clinical manifestations, investigations or diagnostic tests of the disorders of the newborns over and above the therapeutic management as to medical, surgical and nursing.

Scientific and professional skills:

Assimilate the concepts and theories learned to apply techniques and strategies in the assessment and classification of newborn for the purpose of immediate care and management in their transition from intra-uterine life.

2. Formulate the appropriate nursing care plan in the care of the classified newborn according to age of gestation beyond being normal, slightly deviated from normal and being high-risk neonate.

3. Incorporate the identified nursing problems, health threats and risks of the newborn and family during neonatal period in the planning of nursing care to enhance normal development of the newborn like aid parent-child bonding.

4. Execute nursing care and management of the normal, slightly deviated from normal and high-risk newborns such as bathing, hygiene and others to promote normal growth and development.

General skills:

1. Apply essential skills of assessment to newborns of different classification in different range of care settings.

2. Effectively communicate in a variety of settings with different range of health care individuals and cultural groups as to the care and management of the newborn client.

3. Excellent nursing care and skills in the care of the normal, deviated from normal and high-risk newborns to promote normal growth and development.

4. Appropriate decision and critical thinking skills in common and advanced clinical situations of the newborns.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Classroom lectures and discussions

2. Utilization of library materials and/ film showing

3. Case study/Nursing Care Plan for each disorders

4. Seatwork/end of lecture seatwork/homework

5. Actual demonstration of skills learned and application in hospital duty exposure

Methods of assessments

Midterm exam 32%.

Class participation /Oral and written quizzes /Assignments 18%

Final exam 50%.

Course Outline

The Neonatal Period

1. Definition

2. Profile of the newborn

2.1 Vital Statistics

2.1a Weight

2.1b Length

2.1c Head Circumference

2.1d Chest Circumference

2.1e Abdominal Circumference

2.1f Arm Circumference

2.2 Vital Signs

2.2a Temperature

2.2b Pulse

2.2c Respiration

2.3d Blood Pressure

3. Physiologic Function

3.1 Cardiovascular System

3.2 Respiratory System

3.3 Gastrointestinal System

3.4 Urinary System

3.5 Immune System

  • Characteristics, definition, procedural steps/assessment steps, clinical manifestations of normal versus abnormal, possible care and management as to medical-surgical and nursing.

Nursing Skills:

  1. Review of Universal precautions
  2. PPE donning and doffing
  3. Newborn Screening Test

3.6. Neuromuscular System (Newborn Reflexes

3.6a Blink Reflex

3.6b Rooting Reflex

3.6c Sucking Reflex

3.6d Swallowing Reflex

3.6e Extrusion Reflex

3.6f Palmar Grasp Reflex

3.6g Step-in Place Reflex

3.6h Placing Reflex

3.6i Plantar Grasp Reflex

3.6jTonic Neck Reflex

3.6k Moro Reflex

3.6l Babinski reflex

3.6m Magnet Reflex

3.6n Crossed Extension Reflex

3.6o Trunk Incurvation Reflex

3.6p Landau Reflex

3.6q Deep Tendon Reflexes

3.7 The Senses

3.7a Hearing

3.7b Vision

3.7c Touch

3.7d Taste

3.7e Smell

  • Definition, characteristics/normal manifestations, disorders pertaining to abnormal signs and symptoms, possible management as to medica-surgical and nursing.

Nursing Skills:

  1. The Warm chain
  2. Unified System for Gestational Age Evaluation and Classification of the newborn based on Maturity and Intrauterine growth
  3. Assessment Skills of newborn reflexes

4. Physiologic Adjustment to Extrauterine Life

1. Appearance

1.1 Skin Color


1.1b jaundice

1.2 Birthmarks

1.2a Hemangiomas

1.3 Vernix Caseosa

1.4 Lanugo

1.5 Desquamation

1.6 Milia

1.7 Erythema Toxicum

1.8 Forceps marks

1.9 Skin Turgor

2. Head

1. Fontanelles (Anterior; Posterior)

2. Sutures

3. Molding

4. Caput Succedanum

5. Cephalhematoma

6. Craniotabes

3. Eyes

1. Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

2. Opthalmia Neonatorum (Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis)

3. Orbital Edema

4. Eye Care

4. Ears

5. Nose

6. Mouth

7. Neck

8. Chest

9. Abdomen

10. Anogenital Area (Male/Female)

11. Back

12. Extremities

5. APGAR Scoring

  • Definition, characteristics/clinical manifestations, nursing considerations, associated complications, therapeutic management as medical, surgical and nursing

Nursing Skills:

1. Computation and vignette of APGAR computation

2. Immediate essential newborn care

3. Suctioning

6. Respiratory Evaluation

7. Physical Examination

8. Nursing Care of Newborn

8.1 Initial Feeding – Advantages of Breastfeeding

8.2 Bathing

8.3 Sleeping Position

8.4 Diaper Area Care

8.5 Metabolic Screening Tests

8.6 Hepa B Vaccination

8.7 Circumcision

9. Immediate Care of the Newborn

1. Establishing Airway

2. Maintaining Body Temperature

3. Cord Care

4. Vitamin K Administration

5. Eye Prophylaxis

6. Identification Bracelet

  • Definition, steps and procedures, normal versus abnormal clinical manifestations, medical-surgical and nursing care and management

Nursing Skills:

  1. Breastfeeding
  2. Oxygen therapy
  3. NGT insertion

II. High –Risk Newborn/Neonatal Resuscitation

1. Small for Gestational Age Infant

2. Preterm Infant

2.1 Potential Complications

2.1a Anemia

2.1b Kernicterus

  • Definition, classifications, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests or investigations, health problems and health risks, nursing considerations, therapeutic care and management as to medical-surgical and nursing.
  • Steps in Neonatal Resuscitation

Nursing Skills: Demonstration and return demonstration:

  1. Inverted pyramid of Neonatal Resuscitation
  2. Newborn Life Support
  3. Assisting in endotracheal tube insertion