Course Outline |
The Neonatal Period 1. Definition 2. Profile of the newborn 2.1 Vital Statistics 2.1a Weight 2.1b Length 2.1c Head Circumference 2.1d Chest Circumference 2.1e Abdominal Circumference 2.1f Arm Circumference 2.2 Vital Signs 2.2a Temperature 2.2b Pulse 2.2c Respiration 2.3d Blood Pressure 3. Physiologic Function 3.1 Cardiovascular System 3.2 Respiratory System 3.3 Gastrointestinal System 3.4 Urinary System 3.5 Immune System
Nursing Skills:
3.6. Neuromuscular System (Newborn Reflexes 3.6a Blink Reflex 3.6b Rooting Reflex 3.6c Sucking Reflex 3.6d Swallowing Reflex 3.6e Extrusion Reflex 3.6f Palmar Grasp Reflex 3.6g Step-in Place Reflex 3.6h Placing Reflex 3.6i Plantar Grasp Reflex 3.6jTonic Neck Reflex 3.6k Moro Reflex 3.6l Babinski reflex 3.6m Magnet Reflex 3.6n Crossed Extension Reflex 3.6o Trunk Incurvation Reflex 3.6p Landau Reflex 3.6q Deep Tendon Reflexes 3.7 The Senses 3.7a Hearing 3.7b Vision 3.7c Touch 3.7d Taste 3.7e Smell
Nursing Skills:
4. Physiologic Adjustment to Extrauterine Life 1. Appearance 1.1 Skin Color 1.1acyanosis 1.1b jaundice 1.2 Birthmarks 1.2a Hemangiomas 1.3 Vernix Caseosa 1.4 Lanugo 1.5 Desquamation 1.6 Milia 1.7 Erythema Toxicum 1.8 Forceps marks 1.9 Skin Turgor 2. Head 1. Fontanelles (Anterior; Posterior) 2. Sutures 3. Molding 4. Caput Succedanum 5. Cephalhematoma 6. Craniotabes 3. Eyes 1. Subconjunctival Hemorrhage 2. Opthalmia Neonatorum (Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis) 3. Orbital Edema 4. Eye Care 4. Ears 5. Nose 6. Mouth 7. Neck 8. Chest 9. Abdomen 10. Anogenital Area (Male/Female) 11. Back 12. Extremities 5. APGAR Scoring
Nursing Skills: 1. Computation and vignette of APGAR computation 2. Immediate essential newborn care 3. Suctioning
6. Respiratory Evaluation 7. Physical Examination 8. Nursing Care of Newborn 8.1 Initial Feeding – Advantages of Breastfeeding 8.2 Bathing 8.3 Sleeping Position 8.4 Diaper Area Care 8.5 Metabolic Screening Tests 8.6 Hepa B Vaccination 8.7 Circumcision 9. Immediate Care of the Newborn 1. Establishing Airway 2. Maintaining Body Temperature 3. Cord Care 4. Vitamin K Administration 5. Eye Prophylaxis 6. Identification Bracelet
Nursing Skills:
II. High –Risk Newborn/Neonatal Resuscitation 1. Small for Gestational Age Infant 2. Preterm Infant 2.1 Potential Complications 2.1a Anemia 2.1b Kernicterus
Nursing Skills: Demonstration and return demonstration: