ST210 : Biostatistics


Department of Botany

Academic Program

Bachelor in Botany


University requirement





1.Streamlining statistical data with appropriate presentation to facilitate understanding and analysis.· 2. Express facts in a clear and accurate numerical manner rather than presenting them and expressing them in a constructive manner.Comparing different groups and finding a relationship between them.Statistical analysis and decision-making with a statement of degree of trust.

Intended learning outcomes

a. " 1. Knowledge and understanding.a. " 1 Find out what some data terms mean.a. " 2 Recognize measures of centralism and dispersion and when they are used.a. " 3 Knowing the relationship between the variables and determining their type.a. " 4 How to use information from the sample to infer the characteristics of the society as a whole.b. Mental skills.b. 1 Student can distinguish between data typesb. 2 The student can draw the most important features of the data.b. 3 The student can predict future data which helps him in the planning process.b. 4 The student can make appropriate decisions with great health.C. Practical and professional skills.c. 1 Regulate and summarize the data available to the student.c. 2 Draw conclusions and make appropriate decisions with great correctness.c. 3 To conclude that there is a relationship between variables or not, and to put this relationship in an equivalent form.c. 4 The student uses the available data to analyze it and take the appropriate decisionD. General skills and transfers.d. 1 Writing reports and articles in a concise and useful manner.d. 2Capacity to work within a data processing team.