BO202 : Principles of Genetics


Department of Botany

Academic Program

Bachelor in Botany








Familiarizing the student with the basic concepts and terminology of genetics and its branches such as cytoplasmic and clan inheritance and its applications, knowledge of the genetic material, how all kinds of division occur in cells, knowledge of Mendelian laws and their applications, methods of interbreeding between individuals and determination of the phenotypes and genotypes of the resulting individuals. The student learns about the inheritance of blood types, the killer genes, the interactions of different genes, the superiority of the gene, and the theory of genetic analysis of the gene. The student distinguishes how to determine sex in different organisms and humans, and learns about the characteristics associated with sex in Drosophila and in humans, the genetic lineage record, and some genetic diseases associated with it.

Intended learning outcomes

a. Knowledge and understanding: a.1 That the student learn about the genetic structure of the cell and how it divides, and be able to conduct interbreeding between individuals and determine the phenotypes and genotypes of the foundations of Mendelian and Non-Mendelian laws. A.2 To familiarize the student with the inheritance of blood types and some genetic diseases and enable him to predict the percentage of their occurrence as a result of marriages. a.3 The student should identify the lesions associated with sex and some genetic diseases linked to sex in humans and be able to explain the mechanism of their occurrence B. Mental skills: B 1 That the student relates the emergence of some genetic traits and their inheritance from parents to children in living organisms. The student also distinguishes quantitative inheritance and clan inheritance and their impact on the genetic diversity of the resulting individuals. B.2 Explain the different genetic interactions. B.3 That the student connects some genetic diseases in plants, animals, and humans with the matings that occur. Analyze and compare the collected evidence in order to explain the phenomena and estimate the genetic risks. c. Practical and professional skills: C.1 That the student employs his skills by distinguishing the desired genetic traits and employs them in solving genetic issues and obtaining plants with good traits. C.2 That the student distinguish blood types, the mechanism of their inheritance over successive generations, and the interactions between genes. C.3 The student should be able to identify some genetic diseases and predict the possibility of transmission to successive generations Dr.. General and transferable skills: d.1 The student should be able to interact and communicate with others, exchange solutions and discuss genetic issues. D.2 To be able to manage time. d.3 The student should be able to use appropriate audio and visual means in presenting and analyzing data and analyzing the genetic lineage record