BO303 : Mycology 1


Department of Botany

Academic Program

Bachelor in Botany








  • Identification and importance of fungi
  • Know the bases on which the fungus classification bases are built
  • Know how to live and reproduce in fungi
  • Give examples of life cycles in fungi

Intended learning outcomes

a. Knowledge and understanding:a. 1 The student should learn about the concept and importance of fungi.a. 2 Students should learn how to classify mushrooms based on their different characteristicsa. 3 Students should learn about the way of living of studied fungia. 4 The student will learn about examples of how to deal with these objects and how to define them in practice.b. Mental Skills:b. 1 The student distinguishes between fungi and other microorganismsb. 2 Be able to classify fungi.b. 3 The student is able to understand the benefits and damage caused by fungi in lifeb. 4 The student employs information gained through examples of fungi from the definition of some fungi in the labc. Practical and professional skills:c. 1 The student acquires the ability to know some fungi in the lab.c. 2 The student can distinguish between different races of fungic. 3 The student's use of modern scientific means in all its problems in the study of ways of living and reproduction of fungic. 4 Enabling students to be able to handle properly and collect samples of fungi from external environmentsd. General and transferred skills:.1 The student is able to interact and communicate with others and share scientific information.d. 2 Be able to manage time.d. 3 The student is able to use microscopic devices.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures.
  • Practical lessons include slides for some studied fungi.
  • Theoretical and practical exams