BT119 : (Teaching methods (C


Department of Physical Education (Teaching)

Academic Program

Bachelor in Physical Education (Teaching)








Teaching methods constitute an important component of the curriculum, and their importance is evident in the mutual influence between them and the other components of the curriculum. Each topic has appropriate methods that achieve its goals and educational materials. Behavior modification.

Intended learning outcomes

The student gets acquainted with field training (practical education), reminds the student of physical education lessons (feedback), learns about evaluation, its methods, and its importance. The student distinguishes between teaching methods in physical education. The student prepares different models for the lesson of physical education for the different stages. (D) The student performs an integrated lesson in a time that simulates the real time of the class, and the student performs different models during one lesson, and the student performs an assessment and evaluation of the colleague’s lesson, and the student is able to deal with the different methods of teaching methods, and the student is able to communicate with the supervisor, and the student is able to lead colleagues during Practical performance

Teaching and learning methods

Theoretical and practical lectures, Practical application of technical skills

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific Topics


Field training (practical education) concept, definition, importance


Field training (practical education), stages, difficulties. Feedback for physical education lessons importance of feedback, definition,


Functions, conditions, sources, types


The purpose of the teacher providing feedback, The teacher's role in using feedback. Calendar in physical education and sports


Definition of evaluation, evaluation, measurement, and the relationship of evaluation to teaching methods


The goals of the calendar, the importance of the calendar, the foundations of the calendar, the types of the calendar


Teaching strategy - definition - strategy


Sports, its elements, objectives, characteristics of a successful strategy.


Teaching methods, educational behavior and its decision chain, command style, demonstration style, teaching style, reciprocal style,


Discovery style, self style. teaching competencies, definition of competence,


Aspects of competencies, types of competencies


Teacher evaluation methods using teaching competencies, their classification


leadership in physical education and sport science, What is leadership, definition of leadership


The importance of leadership, leadership styles, qualities of a sports leader.


Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


جهان حامد و زينب علي و نجاة جلال. الاسس النظرية في طرق تدريس التربية البدنية والرياضة وتطبيقاتها دار الفكر العربي القاهرة 2021

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    ميرفت محمد خفاجة ومصطفى محمد السائح. المدخل الى طرائق تدريس التربية الرياضية دار الوفاء لدنيا الطباعة والنشر الاسكندرية 2008

    محمد نصرالدين رضوان . التقويم التربوي الرياضي مركز الكتاب للنشر القاهرة 2021