BC176 : (Gymnasties (D


Department of Physical Education (Teaching)

Academic Program

Bachelor in Physical Education (Teaching)








Gymnastics is one of the individual physical activities, where the individual participates alone and thus depends on his abilities to accomplish the skillful duty on gymnastics equipment (ground, parallel bars, hoop, hoop horse, jumping horse, bar for men (ground, jumping horse, balance beam, parallelepiped of different heights) ) Daughters .

The nature of the parallelepiped formation (two parallel beams) allows the implementation of a large number of exercises, and it also interferes in determining the performance conditions on it, as the two wooden beams require an external grip in the position of the crossbars, which turns into an inverted grip when the body drops below the level of the two crossbars. The performance on the parallelepiped device is characterized by the possibility of execution Weighted from the pivot position, where the shoulders and legs move in opposite directions while keeping the body as a whole in a state of kinetic equilibrium (Benin parallel device).

Intended learning outcomes

The information that students derive through learning gymnastics skills provides them with experiences that help them understand and interpret new situations that they encounter from day to day in practical life, discover mistakes while teaching them gymnastic skills and correct them, as well as make decisions that can be used to teach the skill correctly.

Teaching and learning methods

Through verbal and visual explanation by watching and using the partial method of skill and the total method accompanied by the method of using the direct model for the student himself with error correction

Scientific Program Subjects

Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


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الجمباز للمبتدئين – محمد محمود عبدالسلام- 2002

اسس تعليم الجمباز – محمد ابراهيم شحاته-2003

اساسيات في تعليم وتدريب الجمباز- احمد الهادي يوسف- محمد محمود عبدالسلام-2000

الأسس الميكانيكية والمجموعات التكنيكية للجمباز – سوسن عبد المنعم - 1977

قانون التحكيم الفني للجمباز رجال – ترجمة صالح جعفر نور-2021