
Department of Physics

Academic Program

Bachelor in Physics








A theoretical course in the sixth semester based on the decisions of electrical, magnetic and mechanics 2, where the student studies the classification of materials in terms of conductivity and that the student recognizes the basic principles of electronic and the student recognizes diodes, trisistors, amplifiers

Intended learning outcomes

To be able to compare between semiconductors and their uses, and how to analyze circuits that contain diodes, and that the student concludes how to connect the diod in case of forward and reverse bias, and that the student concludes his ability to understand the methods of work of both the binary and the transistor, and that the student understands the importance of some scientific software in solving problems, and is able to form electronic equations...

Teaching and learning methods

1-Theoretical lectures combined with various examples in each topic

2-Solving various exercises and issues collectively or individually inside the classroom.

3- Using different references, whether they are books or electronic networks.4- Solve exercises and issues related to the topics to help the student understand

Methods of assessments

First midterm exam in the fifth or sixth week with homework exercises

- Second midterm exam in the eleventh week with homework exercises

- End of semester exam

-ElectronicDevices, by: Thomas L. Floyd. 9th edition, 2016. Prentice Hall.

Digital Fundamentals, T.L Floyd, Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc., 9th Ed., 2006.