P362PT : Pharmaceutical microbiology I


faculty of Pharmacy

Academic Program

Bachelor in pharmaceutical sciences








This course aims to gain knowledge about the:

  • Types of antimicrobials other than antibiotics.
  • The concept of quality control on pharmaceutical preparations from the microbial perspective
  • Germ genetics.
  • Vaccines in terms of basic immunological concepts and pharmaceutical formulation.
  • Compounds related to the immune system are used as therapeutic materials such as antiserums.

Content outlines

  • Antimicrobials other than antibiotics
  • Compounds related to the immune system used as therapeutic substances
  • Vaccines
  • Microbial Genetics
  • Quality control of pharmaceutical preparations from the microbial side

Intended learning outcomes

upon course completion, the student becomes:
  • Able to identify different types of antimicrobials other than antibiotics: related terms, their definitions, and how to determine the efficiency of different antimicrobials.
  • Familiar with all the methods used to control the quality of different pharmaceutical preparations from the microbial perspective
  • Familiar with Microbial Genetics and its pharmaceutical applications
  • Familiar with the vaccines: history, types, manufacturing methods, and uses

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures\ Activites\ Lab classes and reports about specified topics

Methods of assessments

The students' knowledge and performance about the studied topics are assessed throughout the study period. These assessment methods include the following quizzes, discussion sessions, oral exams, and written exams (grand total mark 100%)
  • Mid-term exam =20%
  • Practical exam =20%
  • Oral exams =20%
  • Final exam =40%


Oberender, H. (2000). WB Hugo, AD Russell, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Science ‏.

Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R., & Case, C. L. (2018). Microbiology: an introduction (13th edition): Pearson