BIO222 : Basics of Ecology


Department of Biology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Biology








This course is concerned with introducing the student to the concept of ecology - sections of ecology and its various components and the relations between living organisms - the role of man in the environment positively and negatively with awareness of environmental protection and its importance

Intended learning outcomes

1. Identify the environment in which he lives and how to preserve it.

2. Illustrates the basic features of production, consumption, decomposition and nutritional composition.

3. Explain the biological cycles and distribution of living organisms

4. Characterizes the influence of natural factors on living organisms

5. Compare the effect of soil and soil types on plant growth

6. Identifies the types and sources of environmental pollution

Teaching and learning methods

1. Theoretical lectures.

2. Home Work (asking questions regarding thetopic of the lecture and providing answers asa research paper in the next lecture)

3. Propose a set of environmental problems to train the student to discuss them and propose solutions to them through panel discussions.

4. A practical application that includes an entire environment on cardboard and appliesto it all environmental laws as much as an environmental cover.

5. Quizzes for the subjects taught.

Methods of assessments

Methods of evaluating students in this course: (40% semester work and 60% final work). Term work: divided between written text exams, assignments and tasks for the final written exam, first midterm exam (15 marks), oral exam (5 marks), second midterm exam, practical midterm exam, final theoretical exam

Main contents of the course


The week

Content (topic) per week

Home Work and lab


The concept of ecology and its relations with other sciences and the concept of ecosystem.

Home Work and lab


Components of the ecosystem, system sections, environmental factors and their impact on organisms in the environment.

Home Work and lab


Ecosystem components, types of ecosystems and energy flow

Home Work and lab


Study the basic features of production, consumption, decomposition and nutritional composition, food chains in the ecosystem.


First midterm exam

Home Work and lab


Biological cycles, distribution of organisms and biological relationships within the ecosystem, cycles of elements

Home Work and lab


Nitrogen cycle – oxygen cycle – carbon cycle – water cycle.

Home Work and lab


Biogeochemical studies and ecosystem equilibrium.

Home Work and lab


Know the types of environments and environmental communities


Second midterm exam

Home Work and lab


Study the impact of natural factors on living organisms in the ecosystem and study the impact of competition.

Home Work and lab


Study the effect of soil and soil types on plant growth

Home Work and lab


Study of environmental pollution, its types and sources


Final practical and theoretical exam

Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
General Geology (GEO113)
General Botany 1 (BIO101)
(CHB 101)
General Zoology 1 (BIO112)
General English1 (EN100)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
General chemistry II (CH102.)
General chemistry II practical (CH102P)
General English2 (EN101)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
Basics of Ecology (BIO222)
(EPSY 203)
General Zoology 2 (BIO113)
Genera Botany 2 (BIO102)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
(EPSY 200)
Organic chemistry (CH231B.)
Analytical Chemistry (CH211B)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Phycology (BIO328)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Entomology (BIO121)
Cell and genetics (BIO224)
General mycology (BIO327)
Animal Physiology (BIO322)
Invertebrates (BIO323)
Microbiology (BIO301)
Arabic language 4 (AR106)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Plant Taxonomy (BIO223)
Parasitology (BIO321)
Plant Physiology (BIO326)
Biology Teaching Methods (BIO429)
Vertebrates (BIO324)
Medicinal Plants (BIO225E)
Comparative anatomy of vertebrates (BIO421)
Embryology (BIO422)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Plant anatomy (BIO201)
Basics food sciencet (BIO433E)
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (Basics of Plant Disease) (BIO434)
Teaching Applications (BIO437)
General Health and First Aids (BIO234E)
Ichthyology and Aquaculture (BIO232E)
Laboratory Sciences (BIO236E)
computer 1 (CS100)
Biotechnology (BIO423E)
Environmental pollution science (BIO435E)
Molecular Biology (BIO333E)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Biochemistry (CH300)
Biochemistry Practical (CH300P)
Teaching Practice (EPSY 402)