CH403. :


Department of Chemistry

Academic Program

Bachelor in Chemistry







The student chooses a scientific topic (in the field of chemistry), submits it to the department as a proposal, then conducts scientific research on the topic following the steps and methodology of the correct scientific research, including identifying the problem, collecting data, analyzing it, the usefulness of the research, previous studies on the research topic, research results, recommendations, ... The purpose of the graduation project is to train the student to conduct research in his field through the student's application of the concepts and principles studied during the previous semesters in the department.

The student follows the following steps:

1- Gather theoretical information about the proposed project.

2- Project planning and experiment design.

3- Preparing the equipment and materials necessary for the project.

4- Initiation of laboratory work. Analyze and comment on the results.

5- Writing the final report.

6- Presentation of the initial report and presentation of the project in a panel discussion.

7- Make the necessary corrections proposed by the examining committee.

8- Submit the final version of the project. Final discussion.

Intended learning outcomes

. Enable the student to follow the proper methods of research.

2. Familiarize the student with how to choose the necessary references for research and how to cite them.

3. Introduce the student to the methods of scientific writing for the graduation project research.

4. The student acquires scientific research skills.

5. Identify the components of the research and choose the approach levels for the title of his research.

6. Clarifies the methods, methods and methods of scientific research.

7. Determines the importance of scientific references and how to benefit from them.

8. Enumerates the methods of scientific writing for the graduation project research.

9. Distinguish research methods and careful handling of equipment and chemicals used in research.

10. Explain the components of the research and choose the approach to the title of his research.

11. Analyzes the methods, methods and methods of scientific research.

12. Differentiate between important references and other more important references that serve his graduation project.

13. Classify and arrange the writing of the research systematically.

14. Analyzes the results of laboratory experiments used in his research.

15. Criticizes previous research and its relationship to the title of his research.

16. Apply the methods, methods and methods of scientific research in his graduation research.

17. Uses important references and avoids scientific theft.

18. Write his graduation research in a systematic and scientific manner.

19. Uses equipment and chemicals efficiently to obtain accurate results in his/her graduation thesis.

20. Defends the results, methodology and title of his research before the discussion committee.

21. Ability to continuous learning and self-development.

22. Ability to work in a team.

23. Respects the ethics of scientific research and the profession.

24. Ability to use information technology.

Teaching and learning methods

1. Research and investigation.

2. Discussion and dialogue.

3. Conduct presentations.

4. Laboratory experiments.

Methods of assessments



Evaluation weight

Evaluation methods




First examiner




Second examiner






Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
General Chemistry I (.CH101)
Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
computer 1 (CS100)
General English1 (EN100)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
Developmental Psychology (EPSY 203)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
General Mathematics 1 (MM111)
General chemistry II practical (CH102P.)
General chemistry II (CH102.)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
Educational Psychology (EPSY 200)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Physical Chemistry I (CH241.)
Analytical Chemistry I (CH211.)
Organic chemistry 1 (CH231.)
Inorganic Chemistry I (CH221.)
Organic Chemistry 2 (CH232.)
Physical Chemistry 2 (CH242.)
Methods of teaching chemistry (CH201)
General Mathematics 2 (MM112)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Analytical Chemistry 2 (CH212.)
Inorganic Chemistry II (CH222.)
Organic chemistry 1 Practical (CH231P.)
Physical chemistry 1 Practical (CH241P.)
Inorganic chemistry I Practical (CH222P.)
Analytical chemistry 1 Practical (CH211P.)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Analytical chemistry 3 (CH311.)
Inorganic chemistry 3 (CH321.)
Organic chemistry 3 (CH331.)
Physical chemistry 3 (CH341.)
Analytical chemistry 4 (CH312.)
Inorganic chemistry 2 practical (CH321P.)
Inorganic chemistry 4 (CH322.)
Organic chemistry 2 practical (CH331P)
Organic chemistry 4 (CH332.)
Organic chemistry 3 practical (CH332P)
Physical chemistry 2 practical (CH341P.)
Physical chemistry 4 (CH342.)
Physical Chemistry 3 practical (CH342P)
Physical chemistry 5 (CH343.)
Inorganic chemistry 3 practical (CH322P.)
Biochemistry (CH451)
Industrial chemistry (CH441E)
Teaching Application (CH202)
Nuclear chemistry (CH436.)
Analytical chemistry 3 practical (CH311P)
Biochemistry Practical (CH451P)
Teaching Practice (EPSY 402)
Environmental Chemistry (CH411E)