SE112 : Anthropology


Department of Sociology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sociology







1. The student should become acquainted with the science of man (anthropology) in terms of its definition, features, goals, origins, and branches.2. That the student recognizes the relationship of anthropology with the social and natural sciences.3. That the student be acquainted with the theoretical trends in anthropology, the evolutionary, diffuse, structural and functional trends.4. The student should know the position of Islam on the theory of human development.

Intended learning outcomes

To analyze the topics of development and link them in a scientific way. The student explains the theoretical trends explained in anthropology with an ability that reflects the sequence of his ideas, and uses them to interpret the reality of human society.

Teaching and learning methods

يعتمد تدريس المقرر علي الاتي :

1. المحاضرات .

2. المناقشات العلمية.

3. اجراء البحوت العلمية.

4. التحضير للمحاضرة

5. طرق التقييم :أنواع التقييم المتبعة في عملية تعليم وتعلم المقرر الدراسي:

اختبارات تحريري نصفية بنسبة 25% اوراق بحتية ومناقشات بنسبة 15% والامتحان النهائي بنسبة 60%

Methods of assessments

midterm exam 40%final exam 60%

1/ Dr. Abu Bakr Shalaby, Introduction to Anthropology, The Open University: Tripoli, 2006.2/ Julius Lips, The Origin of Things - The Beginnings of Human Culture, translated by: Kamel Ismail, Dar Al Thaqafa for Publishing: Syria, 1988.