SE244 : Educational Guidance


Department of Sociology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sociology







Educational Guidance us one of the compulsory subjects in the department of sociology .Besides , the social worker seeks to familiarize the educational concepts linked to this course for the students and the possibility to get benefit from these important information got from both sides, practical & scientific career.

Intended learning outcomes

he student will be able to remember, retrieve the information, repeating them keeping its scientific meanings, understanding them to be able to paraphrase them among its knowledgeable frame with his / her own language

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching of the course is basically depends on theoretical explanation by using the whiteboard, sharing discussion , group work and distributing handouts

Methods of assessments

For mid works 40% form total and is divided into 20% for written mid- exam , 10% for oral exam and 10% for practical work . 6o marks specified for final exam

- Book:

Bases for School & Educational Office.

- Author:

Huseen Yaseen Al-dweek .

- Published:

Dar Al-feker for publishing.