SE368 : Teaching Methodology


Department of Sociology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sociology







Special Teaching Methods Course The student is expected, after studying the course, to be able to develop his knowledge and abilities to plan, implement, and evaluate the teaching and learning processes, as well as to identify the concept of the method and its importance to the teacher of sociology, as well as to identify the concept and foundations of planning for teaching and the importance of the contents of the teaching plan, and the most important factors that help To implement the model plan for the lesson, as well as to identify the most important difficulties facing the course of the plan, as well as to identify the most important social characteristics of the teacher of sociology inside and outside the educational process, and the difficulties that affect the performance of educational work, and for the student to know the importance of using technology and employing it in teaching.

Intended learning outcomes

After success in this course, the student will have the scientific capabilities that enable him to develop critical thinking about topics related to the course according to modern psychological and educational methods, through an appropriate educational environment based on active learning based on dialogue, discussion, individual and group work in the classroom, and in addition to that The student prepares a model plan for daily lessons that are discussed in the classroom, to gain experience and confidence, and to adapt to different teaching situations.

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching the course depends on lectures, explanation, discussion and dialogue through individual and group work, preparing a model plan for daily lessons and training students to prepare this plan.

Methods of assessments

The class work score represents 40% of the final total and is divided into 25 for the written midterm exam, 5 for the oral exam, 5 for participation, dialogue and discussion inside the hall, and 5 for preparing a model plan for the daily lessons, and the remaining 60% for the final exam.

the reviewer :1- Alamuddin Abdel Rahman, Fundamentals of Teaching Methods, 2nd Edition, The Open University, Tripoli, 1997.2- Muhammad Ibrahim Qatawi, Methods of Teaching Social Studies, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Fikr, Amman, 2007.3- Abd al-Razzaq al-Saleheen, Teaching Methods, 1st edition, Omar al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda, 1997.4- Abdullah Al-Amin Al-Nuaimi, 2nd Edition, General Teaching Methods, Tripoli International Scientific Library, Tripoli, 1991.