SE362 : Social of Media


Department of Sociology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sociology







This course is one of the compulsory subjects in sociology department and it has requirements:

Religious Sociology, code > SE352 .

This course interests in to help the students to recognize the concept of Sociology of Media in terms of :

definition/ importance / beginning / aims.

The historical development, study fields , and its relation with other sciences, contents of media as a dynamic process ( communication / Social reactions /social problems / telecommunications revaluation / social express ) .

The student knows the most important theories of media , the role of media in changing directions, public opinion, media tools , public media . ( the nature of the public media tools and its types , the social process and its components, public media and the efficiency of the production tools ). The clout of media and its effectiveness in society

Intended learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to distinguish between media and communications and how to can communication be successful and how media can affect to guide the public opinion and what are the most appropriate ways of the public media

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching the course is based on theoretical explanation using the blackboard, calligraphy, and discussion

Methods of assessments

40% for mid-term exam.

30% as a written exam.

10% discussion & participation.

60% for final exam.

1- Abo-alkasem Slatnia and others / sociology of media / Al-hikma library 2022 .

2- Mona Abo-alhassan ( The Bases of Media Sociology) Dar Al-nasher for Universities / Egypt 2007