BIO429 : Biology Teaching Methods


Department of Biology

Academic Program

Bachelor in Biology







This course is considered a theoretical basis for the field education course in science teaching (biology) and focuses on the acquisition by students of the most important facts, concepts and skills related to the most important methods, means, strategies and methods of teaching science in the basic and intermediate education stages and biology at the secondary stage. This course is also concerned with identifying the nature of science and its philosophy - Identifying the general and specific objectives in teaching science and biology - Identifying the competencies of the basic teaching biology teacher - Acquiring the skill of planning daily lessons in biology lessons - Identifying the most prominent methods of teaching science in general and biology in particular - Identifying the most prominent skills of communication, dealing, classroom and laboratory management in teaching biology - Identifying modern teaching and technical means in science education in general, and biology in particular - Recognizing the importance of evaluation in science teaching And identify the most prominent methods of evaluating neighborhoods.

Intended learning outcomes

1. Recognize the nature, philosophy, life sciences, science and its characteristics

2. Defines the objectives of science teaching and its classifications

3. Explain the concept of planning in teaching

4. List the types of evaluation in the teaching plan of the teaching unit in science

5. Illustrates the methods of teaching traditional and modern sciences

6. Compares communication skills, dealing, classroom and laboratory management

7. Distinguish the importance of laboratory and laboratory experiments in teaching biology

Teaching and learning methods

The course will be introduced to the student through lectures, panel discussions, assignments and exercises, discussion and dialogue.

1. Lectures and presentations bymeans of power point and documentaries supporting the lecture

2. Extracurricular Activities and Field Visits in Biology Education

3. Discussion panels some presentation of each student assigned to him at the end of the last part of each lecture

Methods of assessments

Methods of evaluating students in this course: (semester work 40% and final 60%)

Practical Final Exam 10 and Final Exam 50

Main contents of the course

Main contents of the course


The week

Content (topic) per week


Nature and philosophy of life sciences


The concept of the nature of science and its characteristics in Islam and their discoveries in biology


The general concept of science teaching planning


First midterm exam


Types of planning, its importance and concept.


Biology Teacher Competencies - General Objectives of the Semester Plan


Types of evaluation in the teaching unit teaching plan


Teaching aids / some preparation models


Second midterm exam


Methods of teaching science / discussion / delivery.


Brainstorming. Dialogue. Problems.


Communication and dealing skills and classroom and laboratory management


Laboratory and laboratory experiments in teaching biology - the role of extracurricular activities and field visits in biology education


Final Exam


Effective teaching of natural sciences in the light of educational competencies 2004 AD sunrise first Cairo Hala Taha and Bakhsh.

Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
General Geology (GEO113)
General Botany 1 (BIO101)
(CHB 101)
General Zoology 1 (BIO112)
General English1 (EN100)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
General chemistry II (CH102.)
General chemistry II practical (CH102P)
General English2 (EN101)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
Basics of Ecology (BIO222)
(EPSY 203)
General Zoology 2 (BIO113)
Genera Botany 2 (BIO102)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
(EPSY 200)
Organic chemistry (CH231B.)
Analytical Chemistry (CH211B)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Phycology (BIO328)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Entomology (BIO121)
Cell and genetics (BIO224)
General mycology (BIO327)
Animal Physiology (BIO322)
Invertebrates (BIO323)
Microbiology (BIO301)
Arabic language 4 (AR106)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Plant Taxonomy (BIO223)
Parasitology (BIO321)
Plant Physiology (BIO326)
Biology Teaching Methods (BIO429)
Vertebrates (BIO324)
Medicinal Plants (BIO225E)
Comparative anatomy of vertebrates (BIO421)
Embryology (BIO422)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Plant anatomy (BIO201)
Basics food sciencet (BIO433E)
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (Basics of Plant Disease) (BIO434)
Teaching Applications (BIO437)
General Health and First Aids (BIO234E)
Ichthyology and Aquaculture (BIO232E)
Laboratory Sciences (BIO236E)
computer 1 (CS100)
Biotechnology (BIO423E)
Environmental pollution science (BIO435E)
Molecular Biology (BIO333E)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Biochemistry (CH300)
Biochemistry Practical (CH300P)
Teaching Practice (EPSY 402)