BC194 : Nutrition (B)


Department of Training

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sports Science (Training)








Sports nutrition is a set of different processes through which the body obtains the necessary nutrients and contains what the athlete’s body requires of the necessary energy requirements and the extent to which the body benefits from them. The extent of the interaction of these materials within the athlete’s body with the internal organs, cells, muscles, tissues and components of the body and their impact on the stages of growth and the formation of all cells Inside the body and maintaining health The extent of the interaction of all nutritional components within the digestive system through digestion, absorption and metabolism and the extent of the effect of metabolism on the general level of the body of the athlete and the balance within the body through the nutritional, water, thermal and acid-alkaline balance and its effect on the psychological and nervous balance and the importance of food increases within the body and its adequacy Including the impact of its components on physical fitness and physical efficiency and improving the level of performance in all sports activities and accessing athletes to higher levels and international and global performance through appropriate diets for exchanged energy and the development of short and long-term nutritional plans according to training programs and stages of matches and tournaments in order to reach the ideal composition of the body M, which is consistent with the exerted effort

Intended learning outcomes

The student's understanding of the content of the scientific material and his assimilation of the components of nutrition. Changing the negative knowledge of the learner towards healthy food and acquiring positive alternative knowledge and trying to identify phrases that make him convinced of a positive change in his prevailing style and trying to lay the foundations for defining an academic program and designing simplified plans that are in line with the learner’s situation creating greater opportunities for the learner to integrate with the teacher in the contents of the lesson (side Applied) Raising the motivation element of the learner and directing him towards increasing knowledge and ability to recite.

Teaching and learning methods

The course will introduce the student to a combination of these methods through lectures, and student participation in discussion panels with brainstorming, in addition to practical applications and assignments. Theoretical and applied lectures are in-person and to increase understanding, lectures are given through electronic platforms and special websites.

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific topics


Basics and elements of proper nutrition

Power Systems

Conditions to be met in the athlete's food

Athlete Nutrition

Nutrition of athletes in the sports season (preparation stage)

Athlete nutrition in the championship stage (matches)

Calories in Athletes' Food

Food Ingredients in Athlete's Diets

Muscle fatigue, recovery, and food

Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


عائشة عبد المولى السيد (2013) الأسس العلمية لتغذية الرياضيين والغير رياضيين، دار الفكر العربي

محمد أحمد خليل (2012) التمثيل الغذائي ونظم الطاقة، منشأة المعارف

ماهر حسن محمود (2011) النظم الغذائية والتدريب البدني، المكتبة المصرية

محمد حماحمي (2008) التغذية والصحة للحياة والرياضة، مركز الكتاب