BT101 : (Physical exercise (A


Department of Training

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sports Science (Training)







Physical exercises are a group of positions and physical movements that aim to shape and build the body and develop its various motor capabilities to reach the individual at a level that enables sports and functional performance in the various fields of life based on the educational and scientific foundations of the art of movement. Physical exercises are carefully chosen according to the psychological and social educational principles and foundations. Physiological and anatomical, when chosen, it must be done with the educational and social nature of the environment and society in which you live, taking into account the nature of the type of individual performing, male or female. It is also taken into account when testing the positions and movements that they are compatible with the physiological principles and the physical style of the individual. Its impact goes beyond the skillful, mental, psychological, and social aspects, as it is not physical exercises that concern the body without other areas of building the individual, but rather aims to develop and develop the individual in all its physical, psychological, and social aspects, in an integrated and balanced manner. Producers and employees, contribute to the portfolios It maintains the integrity of the figure, and the exercises are characterized by their non-hazardousness during their practice due to their distinction with the factor of security and safety and their distance from the side of the danger that characterizes the rest of the sports activities such as gymnastics, diving and competitive sports such as wrestling. The performance of the exercises does not require high abilities, as it can be practiced according to the level of physical fitness for the different age stages from the above. The vocabulary of the physical exercise subject for the student in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences must be inclusive of all aspects so that the college outputs are at the required level in this specialization. The following is a detailed explanation of the subject matter of Physical exercises for all classes.

Intended learning outcomes

By studying the course, the student learns about the concept and importance of physical education - its importance, objectives and values, and knows the exercise schools and their founders, the concept of the kinetic story and the appropriate age stages for it, and leads a kinetic story of regular exercises, what is its content, the original and derived situations, and how to call on them, and suggests and performs the types of regular exercises. And to distinguish between it and physical exercise. The student associates the concept of physical education with its importance. In order to be able to do this, he learns the abilities of communication and interaction in choices and working in teams during the performance of regular exercises, in addition to the ability to write and call on the original and derived positions, and the ability to perform and present.

Teaching and learning methods

Through verbal and visual explanation by watching and using the partial method of the skill and the total method accompanied by the method of using the direct model of the student himself with the correction of errors

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific Topics


A brief history of physical exercise, its concept, and definition


Physical exercises, their importance, and objectives


The original conditions and the appeal to them


Derived modes and called them


Special situations and calling them


Motion story concept - definition - content


Motion story exercises


Regular exercises and their types


Physical exercises suitable for the stages of the year 3-5 years


Motor education concept - definition


Movement training exercises


Motion story music


Movement education music


Relationship between motor story music and motor education


Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


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