BTC117 : Teaching methods


Department of Training

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sports Science (Training)








Department Physical Education (Teaching) The program of the teaching methods course for students of the third (boys and girls) offers the study hours of the course (two hours) and the department related to the program (Training Department) and aims in this course to provide the student with the importance of teaching methods physical education and achieve the goals of education and prepare the student well and develop the student's personality and hold the responsibility and help the student in the preparation and preparation of physical education lessons

Intended learning outcomes

knowledge and understanding: knowledge is achieved through: lectures, books, workshops and assignments, and measured by theoretical and oral tests, the student learns what are the methods of teaching physical education, that the student describes the characteristics and characteristics of the effective teacher (teacher), that the student explains the recent trends in teaching physical soil, explains the importance of the calendar and mentions its importance for the teacher and the learner, explains the parts of the physical education lesson and the characteristics of each of the parts of class, and for the mental skills that the student acquires after studying the course successfully, on the ability to think creatively, determine problem solving, and mental skill is measured through written exams and research, that the student compares the good method of teaching and the rules on which the teaching method is built, that the student analyzes the formulation of the classification of goals in the field (cognitive, psychomotor and emotional), that the student distinguishes between special methods of teaching physical education, that the student draws out the differences between the teaching methods, that the student links the parts of the lesson, and for scientific and professional skills: the skills that the student must acquire when studying the course successfully must be included and the practical and professional skill is measured through workshops, field training the student distinguishes between the teaching method and the emotional teaching method), the student uses modern teaching methods in teaching physical education, the student performs a diagnosis for students during the lesson in field training, to present one of the topics related to the course, to design an educational unit for one of the different age stages and for general and transferred skills lists the various general skills or skills that can be used in the fields of work that the student must acquire when studying the course successfully and measured through writing reports and scientific articles and making oral presentations team skills, the student should have the ability to communicate in written and oral tests, cooperate with his colleagues in preparing a study paper in one of the topics of the course, the student's ability to deliver and present, that the student distinguishes between teaching methods and teaching methods, that the student analyzes each part of the lesson penalty and its objectives,

Teaching and learning methods

Discussion between students and the subject professor, cooperative education in groups, writing research papers and working papers related to the subject, oral and written experiential exams.

Scientific Subjects Timetable

Scientific Topics


What are the methods of teaching physical education - the concept of teaching - the definition of the teaching method - the definition of the method - the definition of the method - the criteria for choosing a good method - the rules upon which the teaching methods are built


Types of teaching methods used in physical education (the total method - the partial method - the partial method - the direct method - the indirect method)


Recent trends in teaching physical education and sports.


Teaching methods (self-learning - cooperative learning - reciprocal learning)


Physical Education and Sports Teacher Qualities that must be available in a physical education teacher and trainer


The duties of the teacher towards: pupils - the teaching process - the school - the internal activity - the external activity - the capabilities - the profession and society.


Characteristics of growth and teaching methods for different age groups: the importance of studying the characteristics of growth


First: Characteristics of the dental stage from 4-6 years. Teaching for the Ages stage from 4-6 years


Second: Characteristics of the first stage of basic education from 6-12 years. Teaching for the Ages stage from 6-9 years.


Teaching for the Ages stage from 9-12 years.


Third: Characteristics of the second stage of basic education from 12-15 years old Teaching to the Ages stage from 12-15 years old


Objectives of physical education and sports (educational objectives - educational objectives) Classification of objectives (cognitive domain - psychomotor domain - emotional domain)


Feedback: definition - functions - sources - types - the purpose of the teacher providing feedback.


Evaluation in physical education Evaluation concept - Evaluation foundations - Evaluation methods - Evaluation importance for the physical education teacher and the learner.


Physical education lesson - parts, content, and objectives of the physical education lesson - what must be taken into account during the preparation of physical education lessons


Forms for preparing physical education lessons (basic education, secondary education)


Free physical education lesson. Physical education lessons in special conditions: - In cold weather - In hot weather - In halls.


General Teaching Methods (Speech - Lecture - Discussion)


Educational dimensions of teaching motor games activities in physical education.


What are the methods of teaching physical education - the concept of teaching - the definition of the teaching method - the definition of the method - the definition of the method - the criteria for choosing a good method - the rules upon which the teaching methods are built


Types of teaching methods used in physical education (the total method - the partial method - the partial method - the direct method - the indirect method)


Recent trends in teaching physical education and sports.


Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


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زكية إبراهيم كامل، نوال إبراهيم شلتوت، مرفت علي خفاجه (2002) طرق التدريس في التربية الرياضية. الإسكندرية. مكتبة ومطبعة الإشعاع الفنية

مصطفى السائح محمد (2002) أساليب التدريس في التربية البدنية والرياضية. الطبعة الأولى. الإسكندرية. مكتبة ومطبعة الاشعاع الفنية