BT109 : Introduction to Psychology


Department of Training

Academic Program

Bachelor in Sports Science (Training)







General psychology represents the applied scientific study of behavior patterns and ways to modify it and mental functions such as remembering, perception, thinking, attention and analysis of psychological functions such as motives, trends, emotions and the different stages of growth that a person goes through, as general psychology focuses on understanding personality traits and identifying the factors affecting their formation, construction and development in an integrated framework.

Intended learning outcomes

The target output of the study of the course is that the student is familiar with the basic terms and concepts in general psychology and identify the psychological functions and behavioral patterns associated with sports practices and provide him with appropriate procedures in ways and methods of psychological preparation and can work and cooperate with the team in the event of a scientific discussion in this course. Thus able to write reports and working papers related to the course

Teaching and learning methods

Scientific lectures related to the subject through interaction, dialogue, and discussion between the professor and students, as well as writing working papers related to general psychology, which allows students to open the horizons of application and practice of these topics, and the teaching of the general psychology course is based on oral and written exams and the presentation of academic topics with the student's vision.

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific Topics


The concept of psychology - its objectives - the concept of behavior - its types - stimuli and their types - responses and their types


Branches of Applied and Theoretical Psychology - Schools of Psychology (Analytical - Behavioral - Cognitive)


Research methods in psychology (observation, interview, questionnaire, longitudinal follow-up method, cross-sectional method, survey method, case study, clinical method)


The relationship of psychology with other sciences (philosophy - medicine - sociology - life sciences - physics -)


Motives (concept - primary motives - secondary motives - Abraham Maslow's triangle of needs)


Emotions (concept - characteristics - classification - physiological manifestations of emotion - external manifestations of emotion - stages of emotion - types of emotions "fear - anxiety - anger - aggression - joy - pleasure - an overflow of experience - love")


Trends (concept - characteristics - components - how they are formed - factors affecting their formation - changing trends and factors leading to their change - stages of changing and modifying trends - measures of trends.


Personality (its concept - factors influencing its formation - theories explaining personality "Carell's trait theory - Sheldon's physiological patterns theory - Young's psychological patterns theory")


Growth (concept - principles - criteria) - the concept of growth psychology - stages of development and their requirements (cradle stage - early - middle - late childhood - early - middle - late adolescence - adulthood - old age)


Intelligence (concept - sources - factors affecting it - types)


Learning (concept - conditions - principles)


Mental processes (concept - types) Perception (concept - internal and external factors affecting it - stages)


Follow mental processes - attention (concept - internal and external factors affecting it - stages)


Follow the mental processes - thinking (concept - levels) - remembering (concept - methods of measurement - factors associated with it "attitude - retrieval - re-learning")



مصطفى سويف (1987): علم النفس الحديث، معالمه ونماذج من دراساته مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية، القاهرة، دار وهران للنشر والتوزيع.

أحمد عزت راجح (1985): أصول علم النفس، دار المعارف، القاهرة.

دافيدوف، ليندا (1992): مدخل إلى علم النفس، ترجمة سيد الطواب وآخرون، دار ماكجروهيل، الطبعة الثالثة، القاهرة.