TR418 : Graduation project


Department of Translation

Academic Program

Bachelor in Translation








  • This course is a culmination of all learnt skill along their graduate studies and it intends to introduce student to their first hand research experience
  • The course is based on its prerequisite “research Methodology” and the students will be guided by a supervisor to put their knowledge of research methods into practice..

Intended learning outcomes

Objectives of the course:

  • This course is a culmination of all learnt skill along their graduate studies and it intends to introduce student to their first hand research experience
  • The course is based on its prerequisite “research Methodology” and the students will be guided by a supervisor to put their knowledge of research methods into practice..

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching this course depends on the following methods:

  • lectures
  • presentation
  • Panel discussions, meeting .

Methods of assessments

Assessment: The evaluation of the research will be done by an examiner from the same department or from another related one.