AR408 : Linguistic applications


Department of Arabic Language

Academic Program

Bachelor in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies







It aims to develop the verbal ability of Arabic learners by applying what has been recognized from the levels of the Arabic language.

Intended learning outcomes

: By the end of the course, the student should be able to

1. Analyze the components of any linguistic text.

2. Apply everything they studied on the different linguistic texts, in terms of sounds, morphology, syntax, rhetoric, literary analysis, and semantics.

3. Know the syntactic positions of the words in the linguistic text.

4. Discover the weaknesses in the linguistic text.

5. Realize the rhetorical improvements that the linguistic text contains.

6. Have the ability to communicate and communicate using the Arabic language.

7. Practically applying the rules they studied while speaking or writing in the Arabic language.

Teaching and learning methods

The course will be presented to the student through lectures, panel discussions, assignments and exercises, and discussion and dialogue.

Methods of assessments

( Methods of evaluating students in this course: ( Mid-term 40% and final 60%

Term-work: divided between duties , tasks and written midterm exams.

Written final exam

Content (topic) for each week


Al-Fatihah Surah


Verse (177) of Surat Al-Baqara


Honorable Hadith


Text for the Sonobri


Text for Ibn Al-Romi.


Text for Al-Jahed from animal book.


Text for Al-Jahed from Al-Bayan.


Text for Al-Jahed from Al-Bahri.


Text for Abn Ferass Hamadani.


Text for Abn Khaldoon.


Text for Abe Hamza Alshari


Article for Mostafa Sadiq 1

Text for Ahmed Rafiq 2

Text for Ibn Khatima 3


The reviewer

1. The Holy Quran.

2. The Two Sahihs: Bukhari and Muslim.

3. Linguistic applications. Ali Taher El Fassi.

4. Linguistic application. Muhammad Sultani.

5. In the field of the Arabic language. Abdul Rahman Ataba.

Ancient Criticism (AR212)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
Grammar 1 (AR107)
Jurisprudence of worship 1 (AR108)
Principles of writing 1 (AR109)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
General English1 (EN100)
Pre-Islamic literature 2 (AR115)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
Developmental Psychology (EPSY 203)
General English2 (EN101)
Bachelor of Arts and Education, Arabic Language and Islamic Studies (AR117)
Principles of writing 2 (AR116)
Jurisprudence of worship 2 (AR114)
Grammar 2 (AR113)
Arabic Morphology (Sarf) 1 (AR 207)
Educational Psychology (EPSY 200)
computer 1 (CS100)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
Jurisprudence of worship 2 (AR203)
Grammar 3 (AR202)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Contemporary Literature (AR416)
Transaction provisions (AR402)
Phonetics & Phonology (AR309)
Jurisprudence of worship 4 (AR304)
Grammar 4 (AR208)
Course name Arabic Morphology (Sarf)2 (AR209)
Restrictions (AR210)
Studies in Sunna (AR211)
Inheritance science (AR306)
Statement science (AR 204)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Quranic studies 1 (AR213)
Modern Literature 2 (AR215)
Grammar 5 (AR300)
Andalusi literature (AR417)
Libyan Literature (AR414)
Linguistics (AR407)
Arabic Morphology 3 (Sarf 3) (AR303)
Jurisprudence of worship 5 (AR305)
Prosody 1 (AR409)
Bachelor of Arts and Education, Arabic Language and Islamic Studies (AR413)
Doctrine science (AR100)
Special teaching methods (AR302)
Interpretation of the verses of judgments (AR307)
Semantics and linguistics (AR310)
Grammar 6 (AR301)
Arabic Language Practice (AR311)
The science of Badia (AR312)
Quranic Studies (2) (AR214)
Abbasid literature 1 (AR313)
Prosody2 (AR410)
Fundamentals of jurisprudence (AR405)
Abbasid literature 2 (AR314)
Grammar 7 (AR400)
Limits legislation (AR406)
Teaching applications (AR419)
Comparative literature (AR418)
Linguistic applications (AR408)
Jurisprudential rules (AR404)
Graduation project (AR401)
Teaching Practice (EPSY 402)