SE105 : Hearing disability


Department of Apecial education

Academic Program

Bachelor in Special Education








This course introduces students to the concept of hearing impairment. It also deals with the knowledge of its causes, the methods of prevention, linking it to the reality, and determining hearing system structure. This course aims to develop students’ skills in distinguishing methods of teaching people with hearing disabilities by using their own speaking language, and how to use (educational tests) curricula to diagnose hearing impairment problems

The course focuses on the application of educational tests for auditory distinction, the educational services provided to them, and hearing aids

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

- mention the basic concepts of hearing impairment, hearing impairment and deafness

- explain the difference between the people who have hearing difficulty and the deaf

- enumerate the classifications and characteristics of hearing impairment and the relationship between them

- explain ways to communicate with the hearing impaired

- familiarize with the methods of teaching people with hearing disabilities using their own language of communication

- Familiarize with educational tests for auditory distinction, the educational services provided to them, and hearing aids

- explain the difference between the people who have hearing difficulty and the deaf

- and the methods of diagnosing each case.

- deduce ways and means of dealing with students who have hearing disabilities.

- distinguish the classifications of hearing impairment

- connect the characteristics of the hearing disability and the appropriate educational method for teaching people with hearing disabilities

- analyze and suggest teaching methods for people with hearing disabilities using their own speaking language

- discover educational tests for auditory distinction, educational services provided to them, and hearing aids

- employ the characteristics of hearing disability and how to deal with them

- use the skills he/she has learned to distinguish between types of hearing impairment

- apply appropriate teaching methods for people who have hearing impairment

- use methods of communication with the hearing impaired

- apply teaching methods for people with hearing disabilities using their own speaking language

- apply educational tests for auditory distinction, educational services provided to them, and hearing aids

Teaching and learning methods

The course will be presented to the student through a combination of lectures, panel discussions, assignments, case studies, discussion and dialogue

Methods of assessments

Methods of evaluating students in this course: (semester work 40% and final 60%) Separation work is divided between: Written midterm exams (20 marks)Case studies: 10 marks Missions: 10 marks Final: a written exam of 60 marks

Course content

Week 1: The concept of hearing impairment The concept of disability. Concept of deaf children. Hearing impaired concept.

Week 2: Classifications of hearing impairment - medical deafness - conductive - central sensory - mixed – hysterical.

Week 3: Educational classification and physiological - and grades of hearing loss.

Week 4: Identifying the hearing impairment by observation - the physical and behavioral indicators and symptoms of the hearing impairment Causes of hearing impairment.

Week 5: Identifying the hearing impairment by observation - the physical and behavioral indicators and symptoms of the hearing impairment Causes of hearing impairment.

Week 6: Ways to prevent hearing impairment.

Week7: the auditory system and its components Characteristics of the hearing impaired - personality and maturity - mental characteristics - academic and linguistic achievement.

Week 8: The auditory system and its components Characteristics of the hearing impaired - personality and maturity - mental characteristics - academic and linguistic achievement.

Week 9: Prevalence of hearing impairment - early intervention and hearing impairment - measurement and diagnosis of hearing impairment - reception method.

Week 10: Educational tests for auditory excellence - educational services provided to them - hearing aids.

Week 11: Programs and methods for teaching the hearing impaired - the philosophy of educational care for the hearing impaired - the characteristics of the student.

Week 12: Methods of teaching the hearing impaired student - methods of communication with the hearing impaired - auditory training - lip reading - manual communication.

Week 13: Sign Language - Finger Spelling - Total Communication - Curricula for the Hearing Impaired.

Week 14: Sign Language - Finger Spelling - Total Communication - Curricula for the Hearing Impaired.

Psychological tests (SE308)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
computer 1 (CS100)
An introduction to special education (SE100)
General English1 (EN100)
Course Name Introduction to the practice of social work (SE101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
Music education (SE104)
School health education (SE102)
Hearing disability (SE105)
Social practice of people with disabilities (SE110)
Developmental Psychology (EPSY 203)
Visual impairment (SE106)
Healthy physical disability (SE107)
Concepts and terms in special education (SE108)
Functional art education (SE109)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
General English2 (EN101)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
Mental disability (SE200)
Psychology of play (SE202)
Caring for talented and creative people (SE201)
Psychological guidance and guidance (SE203)
Rehabilitation skills for special groups (SE204)
Kindergarten for children with special needs (SE406E)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
Educational Psychology (EPSY 200)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Learning disabilities for people with special needs (SE205)
Behavioral disorders (SE206)
Communication skills for people with special needs (SE207)
Sign language (SE208)
Social institutions management (SE209)
Special physical education (SE210)
Arabic language 4 (AR106)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Tests and measurement in special needs education (SE304)
Physiological Psychology (SE303)
Designing programs for people with special needs (SE301)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Individual differences for people with special needs (SE211)
Laws and legislation for people with disabilities (SE300)
Behavior modification (SE302)
Personality theories (SE306)
Teaching methods for special needs (SE307)
Pronunciation and speech disorders (SE305)
Laboratory in special education (SE309)
Social Psychology (SE410E)
Early intervention (SE400)
Clinical Psychology (SE401)
Teaching applications (SE402)
Mathematical principles (SE407E)
Educational Sociology (SE411E)
Teaching Practice (field training) (SE403)
Graduation project (SE404)