SE305 : Pronunciation and speech disorders


Department of Apecial education

Academic Program

Bachelor in Special Education








This course aims to identify the basic concepts of speech and verbal communication, and the stages of children acquisition of articulation and speech skills. It also aims to identify the anatomy of the vocal system responsible for pronunciation and speech, and to identify types of speech disorder, their causes, and impact on development. The course introduces students to how to treat speech disorders and reduce their effects.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Enumerate the characteristics, manifestations and causes of speech and articulation disorders.

2. Explain manifestations of articulation and speech disorders through application and classroom representation.

3. Draw a model for speech production.

4. Describe types of speech and articulation disorders.

5. Get acquainted with therapeutic training programs for speech and speech disorders.

6. Distinguish between the organs of speech responsible for pronunciation and speech production.

7. Explain the role of the family and educational institutions in helping to treat problems of pronunciation and speech disorders.

8. Differentiate between training plans to treat types of speech and speech disorders.

9. Analyse speech and pronunciation defects in special groups.

10. Explain the difference between pronunciation, speech, language and voice disorders.

11. Suggest an individual educational program and how to implement it to treat speech and articulation disorders.

12. Link between types of pronunciation and speech disorders.

13. Explain speech production mechanisms responsible for articulation and sound production.

14. Analyse the role of the family and educational institutions in helping to treat pronunciation problems and speech disorders.

15. Diagnose a child suffering from speech disorder.

16. Apply different teaching methods and techniques to people experiencing pronunciation and/or speech disorders.

17. Design a treatment plan for a child undergoing speech defects.

18. Use teaching aids in accordance with the conversational problem.

19. Employ what has been learned in directing the role of the family and educational institutions in the treatment of speech disorders.

20. Applies and evaluates effective procedures in dealing with speech and pronunciation problems in professional life.

21. Conducts a number of measurements to assess and diagnose speech and articulation disorders.

Teaching and learning methods

• Lectures; dialogue and discussion.

• Case study and seminars; presentation of cases (pictures and videos); methods of diagnosis and treatment.

• Groups discussion of course issues.

Methods of assessments

• Written exam 20

• Oral exam 10

• Practical activities 10

• Written exam 60

The content of the course




Concept of speech and language disorders


Causes of speech disorders


Causes of pronunciation disorders


Classifications of articulation and speech disorders


First midterm exam


Stuttering, its causes


Methods of treating stuttering


Lalgha, its causes


ways to treat stuttering


Second midterm exam


Measuring and diagnosing articulation and speech disorders


Therapeutic training programs for speech and pronunciation disorders


The role of the family, speech and pronunciation disorders


The role of educational institutions, speech and pronunciation disorders


Final exam


• The development of language in children, Salih Al-Shamaa, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi. Cairo, 2001 AD

• Language and Speech and Pronunciation Disorders, Faisal Muhammad Khair Al-Zrad, Dar Al-Marikh. Saudi Arabia 1995 AD

• Diseases of Speech, Mostafa Fahmy, Dar Al Shorouk. Cairo 1998

Psychological tests (SE308)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
computer 1 (CS100)
An introduction to special education (SE100)
General English1 (EN100)
Course Name Introduction to the practice of social work (SE101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
Music education (SE104)
School health education (SE102)
Hearing disability (SE105)
Social practice of people with disabilities (SE110)
Developmental Psychology (EPSY 203)
Visual impairment (SE106)
Healthy physical disability (SE107)
Concepts and terms in special education (SE108)
Functional art education (SE109)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
General English2 (EN101)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
Mental disability (SE200)
Psychology of play (SE202)
Caring for talented and creative people (SE201)
Psychological guidance and guidance (SE203)
Rehabilitation skills for special groups (SE204)
Kindergarten for children with special needs (SE406E)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
Educational Psychology (EPSY 200)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Learning disabilities for people with special needs (SE205)
Behavioral disorders (SE206)
Communication skills for people with special needs (SE207)
Sign language (SE208)
Social institutions management (SE209)
Special physical education (SE210)
Arabic language 4 (AR106)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Tests and measurement in special needs education (SE304)
Physiological Psychology (SE303)
Designing programs for people with special needs (SE301)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Individual differences for people with special needs (SE211)
Laws and legislation for people with disabilities (SE300)
Behavior modification (SE302)
Personality theories (SE306)
Teaching methods for special needs (SE307)
Pronunciation and speech disorders (SE305)
Laboratory in special education (SE309)
Social Psychology (SE410E)
Early intervention (SE400)
Clinical Psychology (SE401)
Teaching applications (SE402)
Mathematical principles (SE407E)
Educational Sociology (SE411E)
Teaching Practice (field training) (SE403)
Graduation project (SE404)