SE109 : Functional art education


Department of Apecial education

Academic Program

Bachelor in Special Education








This course includes identifying the importance of the arts and their function in developing behavior and providing the necessary technical skills for children with special needs, and training in the use of various artistic and plastic tools and others to achieve the desired behavioral goals.

Intended learning outcomes

• Enumerate the characteristics and importance of artistic expression for each category of disabilities.

• Explains the role of artistic activities in treating and rehabilitating people with disabilities.

• Demonstrates artistic activities and learning programs through working with all special groups.

• Enumerate the personal and professional characteristics of the art educator

• Get acquainted with children's various arts of drawings and stereoscopic formations.

• Comparing the fields of art education for people with disabilities (finger painting - forming with paper - printing textiles - wall paintings)

• Learn about theories in art therapy and the investment of art in providing assistance and treatment

• Links the patterns of artistic expression for the disabled and the normal for those of their artistic age.

• A therapeutic rehabilitation program is proposed to modify behavior using artistic activities.

• Concludes the relationship between art and the treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

• Analyzes the personal and professional characteristics of the art educator.

• Explores areas of art education for people with disabilities (finger painting - forming with paper - printing textiles - wall paintings)

• The student should use (finger drawing - paper formation - textile printing - wall paintings) in the rehabilitation and treatment of people with disabilities.

• The student should design artistic activities and learning programs through working with special groups.

• The student should use the computer in designing technical programmes.

• That the student employs the personal and professional characteristics of the art educator

• The student should apply some artistic activities and learning programs through working with all special groups

The student should design activities in the fields of art education for people with disabilities (finger painting - paper composition - textile printing - wall paintings)

• Apply and evaluate theories in art therapy and the investment of art in providing assistance and treatment

• Develop students' acceptance of the opinions of their colleagues during participation and presentation of research and assignments.

• Using the computer to make presentations on various topics in the field of specialization.

• Search for everything new on the Internet in the field of art education for people with disabilities.

• Positive participation and self-confidence with the presentation of special ideas for the development of artistic work in the classroom.

• Organizing mini art exhibitions and participating in exhibitions held by the university

• The student should be able to self- and continuous learning.

• The student should be able to communicate orally and in writing.

Teaching and learning methods

1- Lecture and use of teaching aids, cooperative learning, dialogue, discussion.

2- PowerPoint presentations include a presentation of the scientific material of the lecture, provided with pictures and educational films.

3 - Interactive presentations related to the course that are presented to students in the lecture, or that students watch from the Internet outside the time of the lecture, where the working groups of the two scholars participate in small working groups that meet every week to review the scientific material that was presented in the lecture.

4- Encourage students to use modern technologies and employ them in presenting lessons and customary exchange

Methods of assessments

Written exam 20

Oral exam 10

10 Practical activities

Practical exam 60

Course content

The content


Introduction to art education, its origins and history


The concept of technical and functional education


The concept of children with disabilities


Concept of artistic expression for children




Art as a means of behavior modification


The importance of practicing art for groups with disabilities


Building aesthetic taste in art for the gifted


Characteristics of artistic expressions of special groups


Final - exam


The reviewer

1- Mostafa Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Art Education for People with Special Needs, Anglo Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo, 2001.

2- Afaf Ahmed Mohamed Farag, Noha Mohamed, Art and People with Special Needs, Anglo Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo, 2004.

3- Muhammed Hussein Al-Swaifi, Art Education for Special Categories, Dar Al-Mufradat, 1999.

Psychological tests (SE308)
Fundamentals of Education (EPSY101)
Arabic language 1 (AR103)
Quranic Studies 1 (AR101)
computer 1 (CS100)
An introduction to special education (SE100)
General English1 (EN100)
Course Name Introduction to the practice of social work (SE101)
General Psychology (EPSY 100)
Music education (SE104)
School health education (SE102)
Hearing disability (SE105)
Social practice of people with disabilities (SE110)
Developmental Psychology (EPSY 203)
Visual impairment (SE106)
Healthy physical disability (SE107)
Concepts and terms in special education (SE108)
Functional art education (SE109)
General Teaching Methods (EPSY 201)
General English2 (EN101)
Computer 2 (CS101)
Arabic language 2 (AR104)
Mental disability (SE200)
Psychology of play (SE202)
Caring for talented and creative people (SE201)
Psychological guidance and guidance (SE203)
Rehabilitation skills for special groups (SE204)
Kindergarten for children with special needs (SE406E)
Principles of statistics (ST100)
Quranic studies2 (AR102)
Arabic language 3 (AR105)
Basics Of Curriculums (EPSY 202)
Educational Psychology (EPSY 200)
Measurements and Evaluation (EPSY 302)
Learning disabilities for people with special needs (SE205)
Behavioral disorders (SE206)
Communication skills for people with special needs (SE207)
Sign language (SE208)
Social institutions management (SE209)
Special physical education (SE210)
Arabic language 4 (AR106)
Research Methods (EPSY301)
Tests and measurement in special needs education (SE304)
Physiological Psychology (SE303)
Designing programs for people with special needs (SE301)
Psychological Health (EPSY 401)
Teaching learning Aids (EPSY 303)
Individual differences for people with special needs (SE211)
Laws and legislation for people with disabilities (SE300)
Behavior modification (SE302)
Personality theories (SE306)
Teaching methods for special needs (SE307)
Pronunciation and speech disorders (SE305)
Laboratory in special education (SE309)
Social Psychology (SE410E)
Early intervention (SE400)
Clinical Psychology (SE401)
Teaching applications (SE402)
Mathematical principles (SE407E)
Educational Sociology (SE411E)
Teaching Practice (field training) (SE403)
Graduation project (SE404)